Laravel project

Start a new project

Make a new Laravel project

Method 1: Specific Laravel version using composer create project

  • Go to the folder C:\sites_laravel and open Git Bash
  • Start a new project where vinyl_shop is the folder of your new project and a specific (major) version of Laravel (for example 5.8) is specified: composer create-project laravel/laravel="5.8.*" vinyl_shop


Always use this first method for making a new Laravel project, as this course is (specifically) written for Laravel version 5.8

The methods below (2 and 3) will make a new project based on the latest Laravel version, which is currently 6.0 (released in September 2019, just when we finished writing this course).

Method 2: Latest Laravel version using composer create-project

  • Go to the folder C:\sites_laravel and open Git Bash
  • Start a new project where vinyl_shop is the folder of your new project: composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel vinyl_shop

Method 3: Latest Laravel version using the Laravel installer

  • Go to the folder C:\sites_laravel and open Git Bash
    • First, download and install the Laravel installer using Composer: composer global require laravel/installer


The above command installs the Laravel installer globally, so you only have to do this once

  • Start a new project where vinyl_shop is the folder of your new project: laravel new vinyl_shop
  • Configure Homestead

    • Map the public folder of your new project to your Homestead environment by updating the file C:\vagrant\homestead\Homestead.yaml


        - map: homestead.test
          to: /home/vagrant/code
        - map: vinyl_shop.test
          to: /home/vagrant/code/vinyl_shop/public
    • Add the new test domain to your hosts file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts: vinyl_shop.test
    • (Re)start Homestead
      • If Vagrant is running, stop it with the command vagrant halt
      • Execute the command vagrant up --provision
      • Browse to the project via the URL http://vinyl_shop.test

    myProject home page


    • The Laravel 5 IDE Helper Generator package generates a file (_ide_helper.php) that PhpStorm understands, so it can provide accurate autocompletion (for Laravel facades)
    • Open a (Git Bash) terminal inside your project folder C:\sites_laravel\vinyl_shop
    • Install the package with Composer: composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
    • (Re)generate the helper file yourself: php artisan ide-helper:generate
      • Generation is based on the files in your project, so the helper file is always up-to-date
    • Enable the Laravel plugin in PhpStorm

    Enable Laravel Plugin

    Source directories

    • Enable the Directories in PhpStorm
      • If necessary: set app as Sources and prefix it with App\
      • Set public as Sources
      • Set public as Resource Root

    Enable directories Enable directories

    Update an existing project

    • To update a project to the latest minor Laravel version (for example the latest version of 5.8.x), use the command
      composer update in a (Git Bash) terminal within the project folder


    To check the version of a Laravel project, open Git Bash inside the project folder and use the command php artisan --version

    Last Updated: 6/5/2020, 8:02:06 AM